One of my coworkers however, I've been kind of lacking in keeping in touch. Mainly because she's living in Madagascar. Dorothy is a Peace Corps volunteer in Ambanja, Madagascar. She arrived in South Africa in June 2008 for training and was soon shipped to Madagascar. In Spring of 2009 she was evacuated, and sent back to Dayton because of some reason I'm not that really sure about. Something to do with the government blah blah blah. That's how she was able to work at the YMCA with me last summer. Around the time of Thanksgiving 2009, she was able to return to Madagascar and serve the remainder of her term as a volunteer. Dorothy teaches English as a second language.

If you'd like to write her a letter, her address is:
Dorothy Mayne
Voluntera Corps de la Paix
CISCO Ambanja
Ambanja 203
She also writes a blog and updates it every so often with some of her observations and interactions with the culture. You can read it here.