This past decade was pretty incredible. I've been pretty lucky!
Here's a list to recap my decade (in no particular order):
- Competed in Math Counts :)
- Traveled without my parents for the first time. I went to Texas with my cousin Kali to visit with our Aunt and Uncle, cousin Madelyn, and Grandpa Bill.
- Conquered Middle School!
- Traveled to Australia in 2004 as a People to People Student Ambassador.
- Joined every club imaginable at VVHS.
- Became the Class of 2008's VP.
- Tried out the Track team for a couple of years.
- Learned how to play golf.
- Joined the Golf team.
- Traveled to Honduras in 2006 with the Rotary Club.
- Attended the 2006 HOBY seminar and met some Outstanding people.
- Volunteered as a staff member for HOBY 2007 and 2008.
- Got them taken off...then put back on...then taken back off
- Learned to "play" the oboe.
- Got all four wisdom teeth cut out. Watched National Treasure approximately 4 times in a row while being on painkillers.
- Picked up the bass clarinet.
- Marched in Disney World's Magic Kingdom.
- Played in four pit orchestras for the HS musicals (The Wizard of Oz was by far my favorite!).
- Went on tour in Europe for a couple of weeks with a youth wind ensemble, The Ohio Ambassadors of Music. (3rd chair!)
- Saw Wicked in London, England.
- Became NHS president
- Got implants...of the dental variety. (2 surgeries, learned how to swallow pills, lots of pudding)
- Joined the Academic Team. Or the A-team, if you will.
- Made first chair bass clarinet in the Tri-State Honor Band.
- Ice-skated for the fist time in the middle of a mall in Houston, TX.
- Went on a couple of mission trips with my youth group.
- Gained a sister-in-law in the summer of 2008.
- Worked at Brown's Run Country Club for three summers. Got hit in the face with a steel hand ball picker, drove the ball picker on the range, and cleaned about a bajillion golf clubs.
- Got accepted to Kent State University's Honors College.
- Lived (and still do) in a dorm and learned that I hate living in a dorm.
- Got my first C and D ever (besides freshman gym in HS haha)...and on the same report card to boot!
- Saw, and got paid to see, Flight of the Concords.
- Got two speeding tickets and pulled over approximately five times.
- Spent a summer as an Americorps volunteer.
Speaking of which, I've got some plans in store:
- Make it on to the Amazing Race with my dad.
- Do a couple years of service.
- Get a big person job.
- Buy a home.
- Get married.
- Meet someone from my favorite famous people list.
Days until I land in Africa: 196
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ReplyDeleteDear Abbie,
ReplyDeleteI think that you gaining a Sister-in-Law is the BEST thing that ever happened to you. For sure it is the BEST thing to ever happen to your brother. Just sayin'.